Juwelier Frech Zürich

- Established 1995 -

Willkommen auf der Seite von Juwelier Frech AG in Zürich, bekannt für seinen einzigartigen Schmuck der an der Bahnhofstrasse in Zürich von Hand hergestellt wird. 


Aquamarine “Santa Maria”



Aquamarine with a total weight of 32.60ct.!

A lively Santa Maria Aquamarine from Brazil in a perfect step cut.
This Gemstone has very intense deep blue color a true treasure of Brazil.


Intense Blue (also known as Santa-Maria color)

Geographical Origin


Treatment and Conclusions

The Gemstone is of natural origin and has no indications of treatments.

Aquamarines in this color are known as
“Santa Maria Aquamarine” in the trade.


The most finest Aquamarines are mined in Brazil. In fact, it was in the “Santa Maria de Itabira” mine in Menas Gerais, Brazil, where the original aquamarine gemstone possessing a unique deeply saturated blue hue was discovered.


This Gemstone is certified by:
Deutsche Stiftung Edelsteinforschung (DSEF)

Price on Request